09 Jan Welcome!
Welcome to the Chrysalis Center Library! Our team is thrilled that you’re visiting our site, where we hope you’ll find useful information about our doctors, the services we offer, and the multiple ways we hope to be engaged with you and with our community. In this initial post, our goal is to describe the purpose of our blog and to orient you to the many ways you can use these writings to your benefit.
The doctors at Chrysalis have in-depth knowledge about multiple topics. Additionally, as long-standing members of our community, we have personal and professional relationships with other experts in multiple areas of study who will also be contributing to this project. We know that navigating mental health issues is complicated. We also know that navigating life is complicated. Our goal is to use our expertise to synthesize complicated technical and scientific information on various topics into useful bites of information that can inform and guide you in your daily undertakings.
We plan to regularly post on topics of interest to psychology and overall well-being. We envision a library of posts accumulating over time that will address both common questions and larger, more general topics. We intend to provide a space where you can find brief, digestible writings, such as how to manage your teen’s smartphone time or how to start a meditation practice, as well as understandable information on broader, more complicated topics, such as emotions, the brain and the structure of the unconscious.
We plan to make our posts living documents, which means that as we become aware of new research and theories on various topics, we will update our posts. As with all things we do at Chrysalis, we want to be relevant and connected to you. We want to collaborate with you, and a large part of that collaboration involves giving you the information you need to make your best decisions and to live your best life.
We’ll post on our social pages when we add to our blog. In order to stay aware of these posts, please follow the links to our social pages on our website and “follow” or “like” them.
Our hope is that you find our library helpful, whether you see a doctor in our practice or are simply surfing the Web in search of useful information.
So…hello, and welcome! Until next time—
The Chrysalis Center Team